Wildlife Clubs of Kenya (WCK) is seeking a competent consultancy firm to carry out rationalization and salary reviews in view of the changing economic environment.
Due to the emerging business opportunities and environment, the organization aims to reorganize and reposition itself in the market, strengthen its meritocracy and accountability as well as transform its operational parameters into one that is results oriented.
Scope of the consultancy
The key objectives of the consultant will be to:
To review the organisation structure in view of the ever changing future direction and in the current socio-economic environment
Prepare an inception report
Re-align the current structure to the emerging business opportunities and environment
Develop criteria for a new salary structure
Re-align the current salary structure for sustainability, a motivated workforce and improved productivity
Prepare the final report and present to management and the governing council.
Inception Report
A detailed work plan.
Draft Reports
Validation meeting- The consultant will circulate the full draft report (all sections) for comments and questions ahead of a final validation meeting with the Management
Final Report for endorsement by the Governing council
Duration and timeline
The duration of this assignment is expected to be a maximum of three (3) Months from the date of contract signing.
Supervision and guidance
The Consultant will be expected to be self-motivated and able to work independently.
The NC/CEO will provide a general induction to the works of WCK and the assignment at hand.
Supervision and support will be provided by the Chairman of the Governing Council and NC/CEO
Regular coordination, review and input on the various key functions will be provided by the heads of the functions
Terms and conditions
The consultants are under the obligation of confidentiality. Information, data, database, knowledge resources in the forms of briefings, reports, proceedings, articles, essays, etc. issued by and for the WCK will be WCK’ s property and require permission for use and disclosure
Expression of interest should be addressed to:The National Coordinator/CEO,Wildlife Clubs of Kenya, P. O. Box 20184-00200, Nairobi. Kenya.and be submitted as PDF files via email to procurement@wildlifeclubsofkenya.or.ke Cc info@wildlifeclubsofkenya.or.ke, outlining the following;The subject line of the email should be: “Consultancy Services: – WCK Reorganization”Deadline for submitting applications: Friday 20th January 2023.
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