Terms of Reference :Conducting a Baseline Survey for Covaw Ailepu Project Suswa, Narok

Objectives of the baseline survey:

Establish the prevalence of FGM/C among the communities residing in Suswa area within the 6 identified villages; Oloshaiki, Inkoiriento, Inkilonkosi, Oltepesi, Kipise and Enariboo.
Document the economic, social, cultural and religious reasons for the practice and the trends and prevalence in the communities residing in Suswa.
To identify qualitative and quantitative baseline data for outcome and output indicators in the COVAW Results Framework that will guide in establishing the subsequent targets for the project.
Identify the key decision influencers in the 6 project implementation areas who can be used to influence other community members to abandon FGM/C and document cultural practices that impede the attainment of rights for women and girls
Identify partners working in the identified project areas and recommend ways of partnering with them.
To assess and identify key knowledge gaps, challenges and document lessons learnt during the study and provide recommendations for adaptation in the project implementation.

The consultant will work with community members, anti-FGM ambassadors, key influencers, local leaders in the project implementation areas and COVAW staff during the baseline survey.
The consultant will collect both qualitative and quantitative data. Lessons learnt/challenges and recommendations will be generated from the data analysis and feedback from project participants.
Validation meeting
There will be a validation meeting to validate the baseline survey findings. The validation meeting will involve 20 key stakeholders such as community leaders, local community based organizations and other stakeholders within Suswa area.
Complying with evaluation standards
COVAW expects the consultant to adhere to the following evaluation standards;

Community voice and representation: It is essential that the evaluation reflects the voices of communities involved in the project. Participants should be consulted as part of the evaluation, and their voices included in the evaluation report as direct quotes and case studies.
Feedback: Consultant should commit to sharing key findings and recommendations back to the COVAW.
Transparency and ethical standards: The evaluators should explain clearly to communities engaged in the evaluation what the purpose of the exercise is, and how their information will be used putting into consideration the ‘Do No Harm’ principle.
Women’s and Girls’ rights: Women’s and girls’ rights must be respected in all evaluations. All evaluations should seek to explore how women and girls have been affected by an intervention and the effect on gender relations.
Transparency about methodology: The evaluation should include a detailed and transparent discussion of the methodology used and key decisions taken in designing and implementing the evaluation. This should include information about the sampling (approach to sampling, numbers of people/communities covered, representation), what tools were used and why, methodological limitations and gaps.
Disaggregated data: data must be disaggregated in as much detail as possible such as age, sex and areas of residence. Where possible data should also be disaggregated by other relevant factors such as disability.
***Safeguarding:***It is expected that the consultant will adhere to the following ethical guidelines and principles:
Informed consent: All respondents are expected to provide informed and written consent to participate in the study. If project beneficiaries are minor’s parents/guardian’s consent should be sought.
Confidentiality: Consultant to assure the project beneficiaries of confidentiality on responses they provide during the baseline survey process.
Respect for people: The consultant to respect the security, dignity, and self-worth of respondents, programme participants and other stakeholders.The consultant should evaluate and consider the diversity of different stakeholders and project beneficiaries.

Key deliverables for the consultant
The consultant will be required to submit the following:

A workplan outlining key activities and timelines
An inception report
Draft data collection tools for review and approval by COVAW
A draft baseline survey for review and input by COVAW
A final baseline survey report, together with summary report and annextures such as data collection tools, schedule of field visits and meetings; list of people interviewed; bibliography of key documents consulted; TOR for the evaluation
COVAW results framework populated with the baseline data against each indicator at outcome and output level.
A PowerPoint presentation summarizing key findings and recommendations that can be used to disseminate findings.
The raw data (all transcripts, quantitative data, data collection tools) must be handed over to COVAW together with the evaluation report including photos in high resolution format. The evaluation team must ensure photos are obtained in line with COVAW’s guidelines on consent. All deliverables must be based on evidence collected during the process e.g., photos, case studies, qualitative and quantitative data.

Duration of the consultancy
The assignment is expected to be carried out within a period of 21working days**. The likely start date is 13th of December, 2022.
The consultant is expected to give a detailed breakdown of the budget outlining the professional fees and administration costs. The budget should align with the work plan and demonstrate value for money.

A degree in social sciences from a well-recognized University
At least five years’ experience in FGM/C women’s and girl’s rights, GBV, gender equality, and rights based approach programming.
At least 5 years of experience in developing and carrying out monitoring and evaluation (MEL) systems, baselines, and evaluation design
Experience and knowledge in conducting baseline surveys and assessments
Excellent written and oral communication and analytical skills
Proficiency in Maa language will be an added advantage

All applications should include the following documents:Applications should be submitted via email to recruit@covaw.or.ke by 7th of December, 2022.

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