Consultancy for Integrated Capacity for Recovery

Key Tasks of the Evaluation:

For the objectives of the consultancy to be achieved, as a minimum, the following key tasks are to be performed by the consultant:
Undertake desk review of the relevant program documents including the Program Proposal, Project detailed Implementation Plans, Project Reports, Concern strategy documents and any other relevant documents and should take into consideration USAID/BHA evaluation guidelines and standards.
Develop an inception report detailing the process and methodologies to be employed to achieve the objective of this consultancy as stated above. It should include the detailed data collection and sampling design, analysis and output framework and timetable. Present to Concern for review and further inputs before proceeding with the development of data collection instruments.
Design, develop, critique (with Concern team) and refine data collection tools including translation to the local languages, where appropriate.
Prepare training materials in consultation with Concern team, and conduct the survey training covering all details in the survey tool.
Conduct a comprehensive field based program evaluation [using both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods] and collect data, based on the criteria and objectives of the evaluation.
Carry out data analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data, and write up the final assessment report.
Present the draft report to Concern team for review before producing a second draft.
Submit a final end of program evaluation report to Concern as stated in these Terms of Reference.

Outputs and Deliverables

An inception report detailing how the evaluation criteria questions, the evaluation methodology, work plan/schedule, budget and draft data collection tools.
Validation Workshop of evaluation findings with Concern Worldwide after generating the draft evaluation report.
The evaluator shall share a short presentation of outcome findings, insights into contribution pathways and feasible recommendations with the project team at least 3 days before the validation workshop.
Final Evaluation report of no more than 20 pages (excluding executive summary, references & annexes).
Most Significant Change Stories: At minimum of 3 – one-page Most Significant Change stories must be part of the annexes.
Other documents/materials such as raw data files, quantitative data files, transcripts of FGDs, photographs taken, outcomes matrix, at least one change story per ward.

The consultancy is expected to commence in May 2022 and the activity is projected to take a maximum of 30 days. This duration is inclusive of the time required for all work including document review, field visits, debriefing, and final submission of the evaluation report.

Concern will pay the consultant on a daily rate
NB: – The payment is subject to withholding tax and other requirements under the Laws of Kenya or applicable tax obligations as per the Consultant researcher’s country of residence.
Provide your rate per day, clearly indicating if VAT is applicable or not
Provide a detailed work plan**8. Working Conditions**

The Senior Manager MEAL and Survey and Surveillance Manager in collaboration with the Livelihood Senior Program Manager will manage the end line evaluation consultancy. The consultant will also work closely with the MEL officer(s), Manager Livelihoods, Senior Manager Health and Nutrition and County Program Manager. In addition, the consultant will work closely with Departments for Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Department for Agriculture Fisheries and Livestock Development and Department of Health of Marsabit, Turkana, Baringo, Samburu and West Pokot Counties. The M&E officers will provide full support and coordinate in the data collection, stakeholder engagement in the field
The consultant(s) applying for the end term evaluation must meet the following minimum qualification criteria:

Minimum experience of 5 years conducting evaluations along BHA/USAID OECD evaluation criteria, ideally leading an evaluation team and experience of designing evaluation methodology / tools, data analysis;
At least 5 years’ experience using Value-for-Money tools and methodologies;
At least 10 years’ experience of working in development contexts in Arid and Semi-Arid (ASAL) areas in Kenya;
In-depth knowledge and at least 10 years’ experience of using quantitative and qualitative research methods;
Individuals or firms with a background and at least 10 years’ experience in research methods, Livelihoods/ social work or development studies;

Submission to be made to indicating on subject “SR93619 – I-CREATE Consultancy”, by 4:00pm Friday 6thMay 2022

Apply via :