DQA Specialist

Roles and Responsibilities:

The consultant will support the MSP M&E team in the following tasks:
Provide technical guidance, support and oversight of the activity, including coordinating DQA planning with MSP, SPA and technical offices, organizing and executing site visits, leading stakeholder interviews, and developing summary reports.
Update / develop as necessary data collection tools (including for site visits, collecting beneficiary feedback) and SOPs to guide the data collection process.
Develop / update reporting templates (including for findings by Implementing Partner (IP), indicators, and/or summary reports by technical office.
Take lead in undertaking desk review of implementing partner reports, activity briefs, and other relevant documents related to data collection and management.
Support USAID A/CORs, Activity Managers and MEL POCs with interviews with stakeholders, site-level data collection, and beneficiary spot-checks.
Lead analysis and writing findings reports by IP and summary reports of DQAs per technical office.
Support presentations of findings / key take-aways and recommendations to the Mission/ stakeholders, as requested.
Participate in regular check-in calls and debriefs with the Mission and MSP staff.
Other activities as agreed upon with MSP staff.

Required skills:

Have a graduate degree in Statistics, Evaluation, or related field from a recognized university
At least five years’ experience working in monitoring and evaluation in the USAID context
A firm grasp of USAID ADS 201 policy and requirements on DQAs
Extensive, demonstrated experience planning and conducting rigorous DQAs of USAID indicators.
Ability to diplomatically communicate and work effectively with a wide range of USAID implementing partners and stakeholders
Strong analytical and writing skills, with proven experience in synthesizing and analyzing data into summary and findings reports


The following deliverables will be required:
Review and analysis of relevant IP and stakeholder documents
Developed/updated and approved data collection tools
Developed and approved DQA implementation plan per technical office
Final report(s) and presentation(s), inclusive of complete DQA checklist for each indicator and summary report of findings and recommendations per IP
Other items as required by the M&E Specialist/PQIA

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