Request for Proposal for Consultancy to Conduct a Global Fund Post‐Funding Request Audit

Global Fund Project 2021 – 2024

KANCO is a regional membership network of NGOs, CBOs, FBOs, Private Sector actors, Research and Learning Institutions as well as associate membership that includes individuals and International Non‐Governmental Organizations involved in or that have interest in HIV& AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB) and other public health care concerns.
Established in the early 1990s, KANCO is the largest network of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Kenya with a membership of over 1,200 organisations that are networking, collaborating and are bound together by a common cause of response to HIV&AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB) and other public health conditions of national significance. KANCO supports its members spread across Kenya’s 47 counties to respond to health challenges in line with the existing health policies, legislative and institutional frameworks. KANCO further partners with different regional and global advocacy networks such as ACTION and RESULTS towards realization of health equality and equity.
KANCO has worked with various partners and government agencies including GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, The Global Fund to fight HIV, TB and Malaria (Including the GF Harm Reduction projects in 8 countries in Eastern Africa Region) , USAID, European Union, CDC, UNAIDS, UNODC, PEPFAR COMIC Relief, among others. Some of the current projects include AMPATH Plus, The Global Fund Projects: Global Fund HIV, TB and Malaria for the grant period (2021‐2024), the GAVI Health Systems Strengthening Project, Malezi Bora ya Awali by Comic Relief.
Guided by the vision of healthy people, empowered communities, over time KANCO has evolved to become a premier agency for sensitizing, mobilizing and promoting collaboration among civil society organizations (CSOs) working in the region.
Amref Health Africa Global Fund Tuberculosis Project
Amref Health Africa in Kenya has been the non‐state Principal Recipient (PR) for Global Fund (GF) Tuberculosis and Malaria grants in Kenya since 2011 and 2012 respectively. In 2020, Amref Health Africa in Kenya was again competitively selected by the Kenya Coordinating Mechanism (KCM), as the non‐state PR for the Global Fund TB and Malaria grants 2021 ‐ 2024.
Resilient and sustainable systems for health (RSSH) are essential to ending HIV, TB, and malaria as epidemics. They also yield broader outcomes, delivering healthcare in a sustainable, equitable and effective way, accelerating progress toward universal health coverage, and helping countries prepare for emerging threats to global health security. Community systems strengthening (CSS) is an integral component of RSSH which is essential to achieving progress against the three diseases and to fulfill their principles of promoting human rights and gender equity. According to the Community systems strengthening (CSS) Framework by the Global Fund, CSS is an approach that promotes the advancement of informed, capable and coordinated communities, community‐based organizations, groups and structures. The community actors are enabled to contribute as equal partners alongside other actors to the long‐term sustainability of health and other interventions at the community level, including an enabling and responsive environment in which these contributions can be effective.
The Global Fund designates most funding to country allocations. The countries apply for funding through a multistep process. The funding is available in three‐year periods, known as allocation periods or funding periods, and the application process is repeated each period. Applying for funding allocated to countries is the responsibility of the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM), which is a national committee that includes representatives of all sectors. Through the Country Coordinating Mechanism, each country that receives an allocation submits funding requests for eligible disease components on behalf of the country as a whole. Application by CCM is done through a process that entails; funding request, prioritized above allocation request, Country
Coordinating Mechanism eligibility, Review, Grant‐making and Approval. Details of the process can be found in the Global Fund website.
The Global Fund grant application process requires meaningful engagement of all key stakeholders to ensure the voices and the needs of the key and vulnerable populations are reflected in the application. The key stakeholders include Communities, Principle Recipients, national and county governments to ensure. In Kenya, there has been concerns overtime in ensuring meaningful stakeholders engagement throughout the grant application process. In view of this, it is important to review the application process and document the gaps and emerging issues to ensure meaningful engagement that will guide the next cycle appropriately.
The purpose of this consultancy is to work with the Principal Recipient, KANCO and the Community System Strengthening Technical Working Group to conduct a post‐funding request audit and document lesson learnt to improve future funding requests and country dialogue.
Overall Objective
To identify and document lessons learnt from the Global Fund 2021 – 2024 grant application process to improve future funding requests and country dialogue.
Scope of work
Under the supervision of the Principal Recipient, KANCO and Community System Strengthening Technical Working Group, the consultant will be responsible for conducting a post‐funding request audit and document lessons learnt.
Specifically, the consultant will be responsible for:

Undertake desk review and data collection through KII, FGDs and other relevant methodologies.
Document the country process in responding to the Global Fund application request including gaps, opportunities and lessons learnt
Disseminate findings to the various stakeholder.
Develop recommendations to be adopted in the next funding cycle

An inception report
A draft report on the findings of the post‐funding request audit.
A final report.
Report documenting the process undertaken in the development of the frameworks
Recommendations to be adopted in the next cycle
The Consultant will be required to:

Possess at least a post graduate degree in public health, community development, financing, business administration, economics, resource mobilization, financing, or other relevant discipline.
The lead consultant to have at least 10 years’ experience working in the health sector including national and county governments in Kenya.
Experience working with communities, CSOs, key and vulnerable population groups in HIV, TB and Malaria response in Africa.
Demonstrated understanding of the Global Fund mechanisms and processes
Excellent problem‐solving skills and ability to work within tight deadlines.
Ability to work independently with minimal supervision
Excellent written and oral communication skills.
Evidence of at least (3) consultancies of similar scope

The Consultancy will be executed over a period of 20 days.
To respond to the request, the consultant is expected to submit the following documents online through cc on or before 13th January 2022. The subject of the email should be the title of the assignment. Technical and financial proposals should be sent as separate documents.

Provide a technical proposal and attach the following documents:
Curriculum Vitae (CVs) of the lead consultant. Any additional CVs must be accompanied by commitment letters.
At least three cliental references.
In case of a company include the profile.
Evidence of consultancy done (either contract, PO, invoice or certificate of completion for at least 3 consultancies in the last 2 years)
Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC)
Financial proposal in Kenya shillings

Interested and qualified candidates should forward their CV to: cc using the position as subject of email.

Apply via :


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