Project background
The project was established with the following goals and objectives:
Give disadvantaged youth in Kenya the opportunity to successfully transition to market-oriented work, and earn and build assets for their futures by employing the Basic Employability Skills Training (BEST) methodology to teach life skills, job market relevant skills, savings education & small business development training.
Provide youth with vital pre- and post-job-placement counselling, support and services (including financial) as they transition to work
Transform outdated technical and vocational training systems (TVETs) in Kenya though capacity building of the trainers in some of the elements of the BEST model
Provide 23,030 marginalized youth with employability skills and support to access internship and job opportunities, through CAP’s Basic Employability Skills Training (CAP-BEST) model in 20 existing and new demonstration and replication centers that will function as accredited vocational training centers within the Kenyan TVET sector.
Facilitate adoption of the CAP-BEST model components into the Kenyan TVET system through training and capacity building of 500 VTC instructors and managers to improve learning outcomes in their TVET institutions, in order to reach 39,000 young Kenyans with improved market-relevant soft and technical skills.
Provide 4,000 graduates of the CAP-BEST model support to establish and grow micro-businesses in the agriculture, digital, manufacturing and service sectors through demonstration, replication and VTC partner centers.
Purpose of Summative Evaluation
This final evaluation is being commissioned by The MasterCard Foundation in collaboration with CAP YEI. The evaluation should provide both the Foundation and CAP with data and analyses that will allow for them to assess the performance of the program against its intended goals and objectives, as well as offer evidence that will shape the program moving forward. It is expected that the contents of the evaluation will allow for a review of program design, achievements, and challenges in order to generate key lessons for future strategic and programming decisions.
Evaluation Scope and Key Learning Questions
This evaluation seeks to answer several strategic questions related to CAP YEI’s program in Kenya. Given the ongoing importance of developing effective youth livelihood strategies in Kenya, CAP YEI’s work nationally and globally, and the Foundation’s explicit focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, the evaluation should seek to maximize the transferability of findings from this final evaluation of the last five years of programming to a wider social application. The broader Key Evaluation and Learning Questions are as follows:
To what extent is the BEST model contextually appropriate and responsive to the needs of various types of youth and prospective employers in Kenya?
To what extent can this project be considered cost-efficient? Does this input-output/outcome ratio seem reasonable?
To what extent has the project attained its training, enhancement of skills & capabilities and job placement objectives? To what extent does the CAP model present an effective approach for addressing youth unemployment in Kenya?
What impact – positive or negative, direct or indirect, intended or unintended – has the program produced in youth, their life conditions, and/or the broader contexts within which they live?
Are the benefits of the programmatic activities for youth and the community likely to continue into the long-term?
How responsive has the program and CAP YEI model been to changes in society that affect youth?
The consultant will develop corresponding sub-questions for each of the above questions which will be refined and agreed upon by The MasterCard Foundation, CAP YEI, and the evaluator(s) as part of the inception/work planning phase of the evaluation. This evaluation will conclude with specific recommendations for CAP YEI’s future programming, including ideas for how to further to strengthen the model and approach.
Evaluation Inception Report/Work Plan for the evaluation
Overview of project and the context in which it operates
Purpose of the Evaluation
Recommendations or modifications related to the proposed learning questions
Clarity around roles and responsibilities if the evaluation is conducted by a team
Proposed evaluation methodology and approach including methods for data collection and analysis
Perspectives on the current learning questions including any recommendations for strengthening and/or structuring
Proposed and updated evaluation framework and timeframe
Proposed and updated budget
Reporting timelines
A draft schedule of meetings/briefing plan which would include regular teleconferences with key MasterCard Foundation and CAP YEI points of contact to check progress and provide updates.
The consultant will be required to present the draft report in person to CAPYEI and may be required to present the findings at a public dissemination event. A final revised version of the Evaluation Report will be submitted as the final deliverable for this project.
Evaluation Updates
In addition to these deliverables, the evaluator will engage in regular briefing updates – either by phone or by email – with The MasterCard Foundation that may also include CAP YEI
Timeline of key activities and Deliverables
The assignment will start upon signature of the contract date. The due dates for all deliverables will be finalized by the evaluator(s) with The MasterCard Foundation in collaboration with CAP YEI prior to submission of the inception report/work plan.
Schedule of payment
The consultant shall propose the payment schedule that will be vetted professionally.
Interested parties are requested to send full proposal by email to by March 31st /2021 at 5 pm EST. Any questions and request for clarification regarding this work may be submitted to: james@capyei.orgProposals must include all components of a technical and financial proposal for project evaluation. In addition, the proposal should include the following appendices:Our commitment to safeguardingCAPYEI is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and is committed to promoting the welfare of its staff and the young persons. CAPYEI expects all its employees, consultants, partners and volunteers (m/w) to share this commitment. We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us.CAPYEI DOES NOT charge any fee at any stage of the recruitment process
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