End-Term Evaluation for “Environment as a Business (EAB)”

Term of Reference – End-term evaluation for “Environment as a Business (EAB)” – a green path out of poverty project in Kasarani branch
Project summary

Kenya is one of the countries most affected by the ongoing climate change. Drought and irregular rain affect the country’s ability to provide food and water to its residents, creating poverty and insecurity. Urban areas grow slums, which often also serve as dumping sites for environmentally hazardous waste and poisons that contribute to the growing climate threat. The situation in these slums and in the urban agricultural communities is unsustainable.
The EAB project is a three-year (Jan 2018- Mar 2021) initiative, implemented by HiH and Keep Sweden Clean. HiH has specialist competence in entrepreneurship and Hold Sverige Rent is an expert organization in waste management. Together they offer a unique entrance to environmental and climate work based on poverty reduction and self-help.
By working on waste management, improved environmental management and entrepreneurship, the project focuses on sustainable development goals 13 – Combating climate change. The project is implemented in Kasarani with surrounding areas, outside of Nairobi – areas with major environmental needs, both in terms of waste management, climate action in small-scale agriculture and increased environmental awareness and practice among residents.
Project goal and key objectives
The project is working towards the UN’s sustainable development goals 13 – Combating climate change. The goal is to spread knowledge and create a sustainable waste management structure through entrepreneurship in slums and knowledge exchange with Kenyan authorities.
Project main objectives

Contribute to a cleaner and sustainable environment in Kasarani with surrounding areas (Kenya) by creating 2 475 environmentally-friendly enterprises (environmentally certified enterprises and business-based environment models) and improving the environment’s environmental management. (Related to Sustainability Targets 13.1 and 13.3)
Raise awareness of the people of Kasarani about their rights and authorities about their responsibilities, as well as create a model for sustainable waste management. (Related to sustainability targets 13.2, 13.3 and 13.b)

Project targets
A total of 12,000 individuals are covered by project activities (80% women and 20% men). Approximately half of the total target groups are young people between 18-35 years. The total target groups are living in the peri-urban and in slum areas. 3600 will be recruited into the HiH EA programme while 8,400 will be monitored through-out the project and receive training on waste management.
The project innovative components

Environmental certification of SMEs that work in a different way towards a more sustainable environment;
A competition where eco-friendly entrepreneurs may visit Sweden to strengthen entrepreneurs’ eco-friendly entrepreneurship and provide training and coaching from companies, organizations and authorities;
By involving local and national authorities at work, the project creates a link between power owners and rights carriers. One of the most unique results of this will be the development and strengthening of waste disposal stations where small-scale contractors, in cooperation with local authorities, conduct recycling and cleaning operations;
For example, in Kenya, the use of plastic bags has been banned. Together with our partners, we have the opportunity to develop and offer local production / reuse of sustainable alternatives to take part in a brand new market.

Project anticipated effect
The project’s impact targets (end of project completion) are improved waste and waste management, an increased number of small-scale and climate-friendly companies, and increased capacity for marginalized individuals to take themselves out of poverty. This is measured by:

Number of companies created in recycling
Number of companies created with environmental certification
Proportion of target group with regular income
The audience’s perception of environmental and climate issues
Local authorities’ involvement in recycling
Number of recycling stations established in the project area

Expected results on project objective 1: Contribute to a cleaner and sustainable environment in Kasarani with surrounding areas (Kenya) by creating 2 475 environmentally-friendly enterprises (environmentally certified enterprises and business-based environment models) and improving the environment’s management. (Related to Sustainability Objectives 13.1 and 13.3)
Measured by:

Change in technology and methods for small scale farmers from the target group. Objective: The small-scale farmers participating in the project are better equipped to adapt and resist climate change.
SMEs established with environmentally friendly activities. Objective: Hand in Hand and Keep Sweden Rent’s certification inspires and attracts entrepreneurs (and consumers) to think green.
Certifications by NEMA – Kenya’s National Agency for Climate and Environmental Issues. Objective: SMEs dealing with waste management are certified by NEMA and thus gain access to new markets and networks.
Sustainable energy consumption in the project participants’ households. Objective: A transition from cooking over open fire to using energy efficient Jiko okoa.
Experienced change in environment in the project area. Objective: residents in the project area experience less waste and a more secure habitat.

Results of activities in Objective 1 are measured by:

Number of individuals trained in waste management, recycling and entrepreneurship. Objective: 8,400 individuals (of which 80% women and 20% men, about half of the total target group are young people between 18-35 years).
Number of individuals trained in entrepreneurship and methods for adapting and counteracting climate change in agriculture. Objective: 3,600 small-scale farmers (80% women and 20% men, approximately half of the total target group are young people between 18-35 years)
Number of environmentally friendly companies created. Objective: 1,500 companies with business environment as well as 100 companies certified by NEMA.
Number of households that have begun to use energy efficient, eco-friendly stoves. Objective: 500 households use energy efficient, eco-friendly stoves.

Expected Results of Project Objective 2: Raise awareness of the people of Kasarani about their rights and authorities about their responsibilities, as well as create a model for sustainable waste management (Related to sustainability targets 13.2, 13.3 and 13.b) measured by:
Awareness and knowledge about how pollution affects the environment and how effective waste management can counteract degradation for the target group. Objective: Project participants have increased knowledge about the importance of sustainable waste management and can contribute to a cleaner environment.
–    Commitment to representatives of and government officials, waste management institutions and other community actors for waste management and waste sorting. Objective: Increased dialogue between local residents and decision makers as well as enhanced capacity for local waste management agencies.
–    Project participants’ sense of local ownership in waste management. Objective: The project participants have an open and working dialogue with local authorities and know ownership about waste management.
Results of activities in Objective 2 are measured by:

Number of individuals who have gained knowledge of responsibilities, rights and laws relating to the environment and climate. Objective: 12,000 individuals (80% women and 20% men, about half of the total target group are young people between 18-35 years).
Number of representatives of and government officials, waste management and other social actors trained in waste management and sorting. Objective: 20 representatives from different institutions have participated in continuing education and workshops.
Number of waste management centres established and designed in dialogue between authorities and locals. Objective: two centres.

The assignment
Purpose of the evaluation
The purpose of this evaluation is to assess and learn from the process; achievements, challenges encountered during the project implementation and advice on future similar projects.
Objectives of the evaluation

To assess the achieved results of the project against the stated objectives.
Appropriateness of the implementation strategies (integration of entrepreneurship and waste management component) and give recommendations for future programming.

Methodology of the evaluation
The evaluation will be conducted based on the OECD/DAC criteria for evaluation. The evaluation methodology will include a theory of change approach and use mixed methods, including literature/document review, observation, focus group discussion, semi-structured interviews and survey (conducted by the evaluation team). Data must be collected in all project implementation areas in Kasarani and its environs.
The interviewees or survey respondents should be;

A randomly selected sample of beneficiaries (women, youth and men) for qualitative and quantitative interviews    
A representative sample of partners involved during project design and implementation.
HiH EA staff with managerial or implementing responsibilities in relation to the project or with specific insight.

The stakeholder consultations will be conducted through semi-structured interviews, a survey and focus group discussions. It is highly recommended to use videos and pictures to support case studies. There will be visits to project sites (to be identified in the inception report). The baseline (including the individual baseline questionnaire) should be used to assess progress over time and to have comparative data. In addition, project documents and agreement, budgetary information, financial reports, the midterm review report, annual reports, manuals, posters and other documents developed by the project or technical reports issued, monitoring data and reports will be reviewed.
An Evaluation Management Group (EMG) is appointed with representatives from HiH EA and HiH Sweden. The EMG holds the responsibility for overseeing the evaluation process, which includes selecting evaluation consultant(s), checking that quality standards are met and ensuring that the evaluation report, the conclusions and recommendations are communicated effectively.
Evaluation core areas of enquiry and questions
The evaluation shall analyse the information by utilizing the following six criteria set out by the OECD/DAC evaluation criteria: the key questions will be finalized with the consultants.

Identify and analyse the changes (positive and negative) that the project has brought in the lives of the targeted communities, intended or unintended. Understand what has happened as a result of the project intervention.
Assess if the project intervention had likelihood to contributing to the overall project impact.
What real difference has the project made to the members? Provide evidence of practical stories in which the project has made a difference (positive and/or negative).
To what extent have objectives stated in the project document and logical framework, been achieved and the factors (internal or external) influencing the achievement or not.
Identify the strategies that have proven particularly effective for achieving the objectives.
Assess how the views of members (participatory approaches) were taken into account at the different levels of the project cycle (i.e. design, implementation and evaluation).
Assess the sustainability of the results of the project – i.e. will the results endure after the project has ended; how likely does continuing progress towards the goal seem and what are the major factors contributing or hindering sustainability
Assess to what extent the project activities have been responsive to the needs and priorities of the target group.
Was the project in line with the government’s policies, strategies and programmes?
How did the intervention adapt to changes if any, in design, to ensure relevance?
Have activities been cost-efficient, e.g. have the least costly resources possible been used in order to achieve the desired results.
Were activities and the project objectives achieved on time?
How efficient is the process of learning and dissemination of the information from the project activities?
To reflect on the impact of the project on HiH EA in terms of capacity and knowledge acquired and experiences working with other partners.
Organisational capacity to deliver an integrated project (entrepreneurship and waste management)
To what extent has the project complemented other organization interventions?
Is there convergence between the objectives of the project and the HIH EA strategies, policies and priorities?


An End Term review Inception Plan which outlines in detail what the consultancy team will do
Development/redevelopment of primary data collection tools and data collection plan.
A presentation of draft findings to both the HiH EA and HiH Swe teams for discussion and feedback.
An End Term review report of approximately 40 pages.
Presentation of the End Term Evaluation to project stakeholders.

HiH EA and HiH Swe are requesting the consultants to submit proposals to respond to the Terms of Reference outlined above. We expect the consultant/consultancy firm to demonstrate the skills and experience outlined below (or equivalent):

The consultant/s should have a minimum of 10 years’ experience in field research
Academic level Masters in Environmental management, Entrepreneurship, M&E, social science or any other relevant field. 
A team of consultants or firm with technical expertise in waste management and Entrepreneurship (waste management should lead)
Lead consultant to have 8 Years’ experience reviewing waste management projects in the development spectrum (evidence should be attached)
An expert in evaluations  with more than 5 years of experience
Should demonstrate evidence of past relevant evaluation assignments in Kenya and be able to provide examples as requested (share a sample report)
Proven track record in analytical report writing
Capacities with electronic data (qualitative & quantitative) collection will be considered
Experience of field work and data collection at household level in Kenya
Operational capacity in Kenya
In-depth knowledge of enterprise development programs, involving the poor, peri-urban and rural entrepreneurs and smallholder farmers
Experience in monitoring and evaluation of projects relating to micro and small scale enterprises, waste management, agriculture and climate change resilience
Expertise on women and youth’s economic empowerment programmes and barriers and challenges to participation in the economy and society will be considered

The proposal should include the following:

A short outline (up to 7 pages excluding annexes) of evaluation approach, research design and methods for the ETE including how they propose to answer the research questions outlined above.
A proposed process and timeframe for the ETE setting out the phases, the number of consultants and the number of days.
The anticipated challenges and dependencies affecting the implementation of the ETE and how these should be addressed both by the consultants, by HIH EA and HiH Swe.
A summary of the skills and experience of the proposed lead consultant and the consultant(s) together with her/his CV showing relevant previous assignments and clients.
A detailed fee quote and rationale for the lead consultant and an estimate for the costs of other consultant(s).

Suggested End Term evaluation timeframe:

Tender bids deadline: 14th to 24th Jan 2021
Review and scoring of applications by 29th January
Appoint the Consultant by 05th February 2021
Desk review of project documents by the Consultant, submit the inception report containing refined methodology, agree timeframe and finalize ETE plan: 08th to 15th February 2021
ETE Field visits and data (qualitative & quantitative) collection completed from 17th to 26th February 2021
Presentation of draft findings to HiH EA and HiH Swe by 08th March 2021
Hand in Hand feedback to the draft report by 12th March 2021
Deadline for receipt of the ETE final Report by 17th March 2021

Electronic submission of proposals will be made to HIH EA through the procurement email address: procurement@handinhandea.org by 24th January, 2021 at 16:00 hours EAT. Inquiries on the assignment to be sent through the same email. The lead consultant is asked to tender a proposal document of no more than 10 pages.

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